
Inspiring. Encouraging. Empowering.

Meet creative, forward-looking, restless and visionary people leaving their footprint as they step through the world.

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Read Our Life Stories (available in English and Spanish)

Verónica: Lighthearted Outlook

Exercising is how she starts her day. At 6 am she works out for an hour, has breakfast, and connects to tutor her students.  Feeling well and eating nutritious food are top of mind as she continues to maintain a healthy weight. She wants to feel good and grow old being as healthy as possible.…

Jaime, sentida revolución

Michael fue uno de los jóvenes a quién sirvió como mentor.  Cuando se conocieron, él tenía mucha ira y siempre empleaba la violencia para lidiar con los conflictos.  Jaime lo ayudó a desarrollar destrezas de pensamiento crítico y a aprender a transformar su ira en algo productivo. Se conocieron cuando Michael tenía 16 y siguen…

Jaime: Wholehearted Revolution

Michael was one of the young men he mentored.  When they met, he had a lot of anger and always used violence to deal with conflict.  Jaime helped him develop critical thinking skills and learn how to transform his anger into something productive. They met when Michael was 16 and they remain close to this…

María Alexandra, llamado intersticial

Normalmente a las 5:00 de la mañana ya está parada, preparándose con sus dos hijos menores, los lleva a la escuela y se va al trabajo. Su esposo, con quien lleva 10 años de casados, recoge a los niños en casa de la abuela cuando sale del trabajo. Todos se reencuentran cada tarde en casa,…

María Alexandra: Interstitial Calling

Most days she wakes up at 5:00 am, gets ready with her two younger boys, drops them at school and gets to work. Her husband — they’ve been enjoying each other’s company for 10 years now — picks up the boys from grandma’s when he gets off work. Then they all reunite in the evenings…

Natalia, empeño imparable

En movimiento constante, explora su entorno cada mañana mientras pedalea las 32 millas acostumbradas en una de sus cinco bicicletas. Los fines de semana añade unas 20+ millas para completar su dosis semanal de aventuras. Como si el tiempo se plegara sobre sí, se desplaza sobre sus ruedas preferidas trayendo de vuelta el cálido abrazo…

Natalia: Iron-Willed Pursuit

In constant movement, she explores her surroundings every morning while she rides her customary 32 miles on one of her five bikes — yes, she owns five of them! On the weekends, she takes longer rides, adding 20+ miles to her fix of adventures for the week. As if time folded itself, she journeys on…

Carly, peculiaridad generacional

Hija de padres amorosos, creció en la zona costera del este de Florida. Graciosa, llena de bondad, compasiva y de mente abierta, cuida de su perrita Allie tan bien como cuidaba a los hijos perrunos de sus vecinos. No era por nada que le confiaban sus amadas mascotas sin pensarlo dos veces. «Mi hija peluda…

Carly: Generational Quirkiness

Daughter to loving parents, she grew up in a coastal town of eastern Florida. This funny, kind-hearted, compassionate, and open-minded dog mom enjoys walking her pup Allie as much as she did back in her days as the neighborhood’s prime teenage dog sitter. «I have a fur daughter Allison, AKA Allie. ☺ She is part…

Johanna, naturaleza inquisitiva

Isleña, criada en medio de un risco, se levantaba para encontrar a sus abuelos bebiendo café y desgranando gandules al amanecer, una tarea silenciosa en la que los ayudaba a menudo mientras disfrutaban del sonar del nuevo día despertándose a la vida. En sus años de preadolescencia, ayudaba a su padrino en sus quehaceres arreglando…

Johanna: Inquisitive Nature

Born an islander, raised in a house on a cliff, she woke up to find her grandparents drinking coffee and sorting pigeon peas at the break of dawn — a quiet task she would often help them with while simply enjoying the sound of a new day coming to life. Around her preteen years, she…

A note from the editor

Hey, Willette here! Friend, writer, translator, interpreter and family. I am surrounded by a community of people that have supported and collaborated with me in diverse projects and life stages. They inspire me to see things from many perspectives, enriching my worldview. Because, in the blink of an eye, human reality becomes tangible in these recounts. I share these stories with you in hopes of replenishing your vital energy, help you move forward and get just where you want to be. Hugs.

Let’s catch up there!